I’m now a Talkabook author!

Talkabook is a new way to connect with authors in interactive, virtual visits. I’m also continuing my normal in-person and virtual Author Visit options for schools, libraries, and reading groups, but Talkabook is another way to connect personally and virtually. With Talkabook you can bring me (or other authors) out to a gathering, a writing group, […]

Why English Teachers Must Talk About the Climate Crisis (and how to do it)

*Note: This material was originally shared as part of a NCTE presentation titled “Responding to the Climate Crisis in English Language Arts.” LEARNING FROM DISASTERS: QUICK TIPS FOR EXPLORING ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES WITH 4TH-12TH GRADERS. “Take two breaths. 100 years ago, you would have breathed in 300 ppm of CO2. Today, you breathed in over […]

Do Something Good (and get a Protector Pendant!)

Ever wish you were living in a fantasy book, fighting monsters and questing to save the world? (I sometimes do). Fortunately, there are plenty of real causes in need of heroes. BECOME A PROTECTOR! Being a protector is easier than you might think. You can: —Sell lemonade or homemade crafts to raise money to protect endangered species […]