Why English Teachers Must Talk About the Climate Crisis (and how to do it)

*Note: This material was originally shared as part of a NCTE presentation titled “Responding to the Climate Crisis in English Language Arts.” LEARNING FROM DISASTERS: QUICK TIPS FOR EXPLORING ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES WITH 4TH-12TH GRADERS. “Take two breaths. 100 years ago, you would have breathed in 300 ppm of CO2. Today, you breathed in over […]

Backwards is a finalist for both the Colorado Book Award and the CAL Award! (And now the Crystal Kite Award too!)

I just learned that Backwards was selected as a finalist in the Young Adult Fiction category by both these outstanding award committees. For a complete listing of the Colorado Book Awards finalists, click here. And for a complete listing of the CAL (Colorado Authors League) finalists, click here. These are two great lists of excellent books […]