I just learned that Backwards was selected as a finalist in the Young Adult Fiction category by both these outstanding award committees. For a complete listing of the Colorado Book Awards finalists, click here. And for a complete listing of the CAL (Colorado Authors League) finalists, click here. These are two great lists of excellent books to read.
*UPDATE: Round II of Crystal Kite Award voting is now open, and BACKWARDS is a finalist! If you’re an SCBWI member in the Southwest Region, please log-in and vote! It only takes a second, and you can make someone’s day (or career). Also congratulations to the other finalists, especially the wonderful Lindsay Eland!*
And a huge congratulations to all the other finalists in other categories, especially my good friends Jenny Goebel, Lindsay Eland, Steven Schwartz, BK Lauren, and Dan Beachy-Quick. It’s an honor to be in the company of so many other fine books and authors.
The winners for the Colorado Book Awards will be announced on June 13th, and the winners for the CAL Awards will be announced on May 8th. I’m keeping my fingers crossed…
Also, many thanks to the Colorado Humanities and the Colorado Authors League awards committees for all their hard work reading submissions and selecting finalists. I know that isn’t easy.
To learn more about BACKWARDS, or to order a copy, please click here.
Update: Backwards won the CAL award! (Still waiting to find out about the Colorado Book Award). Many thanks to the selection committee for all their hard work on this. And a big congratulations to the other winners. Here’s a piece in the Denver post on it: http://blogs.denverpost.com/books/2014/05/09/colorado-authors-league-names-2014-award-winners/11629/