Create a Comic Book in 10 (simple?) Steps

Comics and other graphic texts are one of the fastest growing areas of publishing, and they seem to be getting stronger each year. If you haven’t considered getting graphic, you might want to.  This post is for creators, especially writers, who are interested in graphic story-telling. Even if your art skills are limited to crooked […]

Get published in ten (easy?) steps

I’ve written a book, now how do I get it published? (I get asked this question a lot, so I thought I’d try to answer it here in ten easy steps.) 1) First off, congratulations on writing a book! Seeing your vision through to the end, sticking with your characters for a few hundred pages, and […]

If You Want to Publish You Must Read This (Warning: contains Hitler, F-bombs, and warm fuzzy feelings)

“No vision is real until it’s enacted upon the earth for the people to see.” —Black Elk   I love writers and poets and artists and musicians and all those crazy dreamers who have the guts to enact a vision and put it out in the world for the people to see. But the world is rarely […]